Search Destination
Valentina e Santo T.

Camp Rasenna

53016 Murlo, Toscana, IT
Suitable for

Come visit us at our small farm in Tuscany, just below the medieval castle of Murlo. Here you will find not only a lot of tranquility but also a breathtaking landscape and a lot of history. The camp is located on a plot of land with olive trees and a part of forest. Here you can park your van or camper and you will immediately feel at home. Nearby there is an Etruscan archaeological site while ins...

Translated by Deepl


  • Fireplace
  • WC
  • Drinking water
  • Shelter
  • Dogs allowed
  • Electricity


  • Check in
    from 17:00
  • Check out
    until 16:00
  • Overnight stays
    Stay up to 7 Nights
  • Max. number of 6 people
  • P
    Parking directly at the camp


  • 1Etruscan archaeological site and museum
  • 2Medieval castle

Facilities & Activities

Good to know

1 Pers. | 1 Night
excl. service fee
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Valentina e Santo T


We are Valentina and Santo, we have a small farm where we produce some olive oil. Two sheep and a dog live with us.

Translated by Deepl
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