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Bernhard G.

Campen nahe Laufenburg

79725 Laufenburg, BW, DE
Suitable for

Your camping pitch is in our parking lot. Our farm has a steep paved driveway opposite the village parking lot of the community center. Then drive across our yard to the gravel road. There you will find parking spaces with a gravel surface on the right-hand side. There is a lot of distance to the surrounding houses, but the main road is nearby, which is very busy during the week at peak times. Ou...

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  • Fireplace
  • WC
  • Drinking water
  • Shelter
  • Dogs allowed
  • Electricity


  • Check in
    from 12:00 | latest 22:00
  • Check out
    until 10:00
  • Overnight stays
    Stay up to 31 Nights
  • Max. number of 4 people
  • P
    Parking directly at the camp

Facilities & Activities

Good to know

1 Pers. | 1 Night
excl. service fee
Your credit card is not yet charged


Bernhard G


Hello, I'm Bernhard, a farmer, pig farmer, restaurateur and marketer of suckling pigs. I live with my family in the center of Rotz...

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