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Nomady Gebühren

Nomady relies on a transparent and fair price structure.

Fees for the camper

Depending on the amount of the booking between 10% and 15% service fees are charged. For bookings up to 200 CHF/EUR it is 15%. Thereafter, the fee rate decreases linearly and reaches 10% for amounts of 1000 CHF/EUR. The costs Nomady has for payment processing are included in this fee. The actual fee is shown in each bo

Fees for the host

Depending on the amount of the booking between 10% and 15% service fees are charged. For bookings up to 100 CHF/EUR it is 15%. Thereafter, the fee rate decreases linearly and reaches 10% for amounts of 300 CHF/EUR. The costs Nomady has for payment processing are included in this fee. The actual fee is shown in each booking request and invoice.

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