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Christine B

Français, Español

Hello. My name is Christine or Nasaié in Lifou 😉 I am the mother of 2 children Marine and Thib, 20 and 22 years old, not to mention my two stepchildren Quentin and Eloise and my faithful four-legged friend Rio. I am a Spanish teacher at the IUT CLERMONT-AUVERGNE where I am also in charge of a professional degree in audiovisual but my real passion, the one that drives me and makes me vibrate for some time, is to travel to discover new horizons and especially to make wonderful encounters... So if you offer me a bit of travel, a bit of home at home, I will be delighted to welcome you to my little corner of bourbonnaise nature ... See you soon to make you discover my region 🤗

Translated by Deepl

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