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Pietro C

Italiano, English

Pietro, brewmaster of Birrificio del Catria, after years spent in the most prestigious Italian breweries, decided to create something unique. His connection with the territory of Cantiano and his thirst for innovation led him to the rediscovery of the rural origins of beer and brewing, conceiving his agricultural beers, the result of expertise and passion. In fact, the processing of distich barley and the use of the purest water extracted from the Monte Catria springs allows the creation of superb Beers that are unique in taste and incredible in freshness, completely personal and creative. Birrificio del Catria grows its own barley in the acres of property around the brewery, creating a beer produced from a controlled and traceable agricultural supply chain. This is why Birrificio del Catria's beers are "Agricultural Beers." The entire production chain, from planting to bottling, takes place within Pietro's farm or the consortium of which he is a member. The very concept of Agricultural Beer is therefore linked to own production and the idea of a 0 km supply chain. It is an act of love for one's territory and a demonstration of trust and passion for genuine Beers that preserve the flavors of country life and the scents of freshly harvested barley.

Translated by Deepl

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