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Adventure Central Switzerland: A Discovery Tour with the VW Camping Van

Join us off the beaten path on an unforgettable journey through fascinating Central Switzerland. We'll take you on a road trip in a VW bus to explore the charming camps in Lucerne, Linthal, Steinen and Weggis. We capture the real character of these places - from the idyllic campsites to the breathtaking landscapes. Let's explore the heart of Switzerland together in a very special way - authentic, hospitable, down-to-earth and with a pinch of adventure.

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Day 1: Arrival in Paradise on Lake Lucerne

Finally the time has come - our Central Swiss road trip with the VW camping van starts! No sooner have we set off than we reach our first destination. Starting from Lucerne, "Chéschtenebaum", as it is called in the dialect, is reached in a few minutes. The village owes its name to a large chestnut tree, which served as a landmark and point of orientation for the residents. Here you can also find the camp "Biohof mit See- und Bergblick". When you start after work, it's the perfect place to commence without time pressure and traffic jams. We celebrate this smooth start with swimming in the lake (nice bathing spot only 200 m from the camp), followed by a cozy barbecue dinner and enjoy the view of Lake Lucerne.

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Day 2: Exploring the Klausen Pass

After a restful night we set off already at 8 am and experience a wonderful morning atmosphere. Our route takes us along Lake Lucerne until we turn off towards the Klausen Pass. A real insider tip among the pass roads of Switzerland. From the road, which partly runs directly along rock faces, you have an incredible view of the deep valley with waterfalls and gorges.

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From the pass we take a short hike (about 45 min each way) to the Gletscherseeli at 2098m. On the lake shore you can see the broken ice chunks floating, a real highlight. Back at the van, our next stop is Urnerboden, an idyllic high valley that immediately captivates us. The lush meadows and the ringing of bells on the largest Swiss alp, invite us to have a picnic. After a refreshment we continue towards Linthal. At the former restaurant "Bergli", directly on the pass road, we get the tip to hike to the Berglistüber waterfall. In only ten minutes we are there: an absolute natural spectacle! A huge curtain of water cascades down into the depths. At your own risk you can walk behind the water masses.

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After the walk we head towards the day's destination. We reach the camp "Bergcamp Tödi" in Linthal, at the highest farm of the region. The hosts give us a warm welcome and we immediately feel at home.

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Day 3: Varied culinary delights and explorations at the Sihlsee

Our day begins with a leisurely breakfast at the camp. It could not have started more beautifully. We take our time and play board games, sip coffee and catch the sun's rays. Afterwards we make a little detour to the Obersee valley. Here we treat ourselves to a delicious lunch in the mountain restaurant Aeschen with the best potato salad and Wienerli.

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Our way leads us further towards Lake Zurich and over the Sattelegg. At the Sihlsee we spend the day and the afternoon, enjoying the Sihlseebadi for splashing and swimming. In the evening we set off for the "Bergblick" in Steinen near Schwyz. There we use the last rays of sun to set up our camp. Dead tired, but overjoyed, we fall into a deep sleep.

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Day 4: The magnificent Mythen mountains and warm hospitality

The morning after we open our roof tent and are overwhelmed by the beauty of the camp "Bergblick": The Mythen mountains shine in full splendor! The name of the camp absolutely does it justice. Our hosts Silvia and Sepp give us a warm welcome and we spend the morning with an impressive hike up the Wildspitz. Lunch is served 15 minutes away from the Wildspitz, one ridge further, at the beautiful fireplace "Gruebi-Langmatt".

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Full of impressions we return to the camp. There we rest, seek the shade and enjoy the warmth. We read, relax and let our souls dangle. In the early evening we leave for the next camp in Weggis. The camp "Zwischä See und hechä Bärgä" welcomes us with a beautiful view and host Florian and his family give us a warm welcome.

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Day 5: Relaxing in Weggis and saying goodbye to an unforgettable trip

In Weggis we take our time to relax and enjoy the last day of our road trip. A few raindrops can't harm us, because we still have a spectacular view of Lake Lucerne. We spend the time in the van, reading, cooking and slowly winding down from the trip. Later, we pack our things, get in the van and make our way home.

All the camping spots from this road trip

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The conclusion of the round trip in Central Switzerland is quickly made. We have rediscovered our homeland and explored small, charming places. The diversity of the landscapes, the warm hospitality and the unforgettable nature experiences have touched us deeply. This road trip with the VW camping van will remain in our memories for a long time.

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