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Our love story - MyCabin and Nomady join forces

The beginning of this year will be remembered for a long time to come. At the end of 2023, we decided to continue our journey together. Be part of it!

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How it all began

Let's start our love story at the very beginning: Four years ago, after Finn, the founder of MyCabin, was caught wild camping, he, along with a small team of camping-loving students in Constance, launched MyCabin to make nature-oriented campsites legally and easily bookable. Not far away and almost at the same time, in Central Switzerland, Oliver, founder of Nomady, became enchanted with the idea of bringing people into nature sustainably, after having experienced a wilderness expedition with a canoe in Alaska.

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The spark

MyCabin and Nomady share the vision of providing authentic experiences in and with nature throughout Europe. Along the way, we have been in constant exchange with initiatives and individuals who share this vision and our values, leading to our fateful encounter. With our strong offers - MyCabin in Germany and Austria, and Nomady in Switzerland and Italy - together, we have the most beautiful natural spots in Europe. It is not often that vision, mission, and values align so perfectly, and offers complement each other so perfectly. What can we say? It was a match!

The vision


A tourism of simple things. With fewer distractions and more focus on the important things.


A tourism of small places. With a great participation of the local population.


A tourism of mutual respect. With a goal that can only be achieved together.


A tourism of appreciation. With respectful treatment of nature and culture.

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Falling in love

It quickly became clear to us that combining our strengths would allow us to enable many more people to enjoy glorious sunsets in nature. The first step has been taken, we dared, and our relationship status is now officially "in a committed relationship". We look forward to taking the next steps in this relationship together with our existing friends and all camping enthusiasts, offering them an even wider range of close-to-nature camp spots throughout the entire Alpine region.

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The surname

Phew, not an easy decision, but MyCabin decided to take on the name Nomady. We now belong together, and this should be visible to everyone. Bye-bye, MyCabin, we will miss you. For those seeking the perfect camping and outdoor adventure in the Alpine region, you have come to the right place at!

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Moving in together

As in many relationships, both our apartments (i.e. our platforms) were quite nicely equipped and worked well for us and our friends. But now, we are moving in together and are aiming to create the best possible meeting place for our growing circle of friends. We consciously choose the best of both worlds, crafting the website and app that everyone has always wished for. Two become one. The move may take some time, but all offers will be available for you to book at at the start of the camping season.

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The personalities

Not everything is changing. We stay true to our personalities, our service remains the same, and our friends will continue to have familiar faces at their side when they have questions.

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Find your place in nature, where memories grow and hearts are touched. Together, we shape the future of tourism: Simple, authentic, adventurous, and respectful of nature and culture.
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