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Marc L.

Camp Stein

8762 Glarus Süd, GL, CH
(32 Reviews)
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Suitable for

You can book a pitch here with a tent or a bus. It is very quiet, away from the road and yet close to the village, with a view of our local mountain Tödi. In summer, many outdoor sports such as biking, hiking or swimming are possible. Wildlife watching in the nearby Fryberg Kärpf area is a highlight for nature lovers. Nearby we run our farm with farm shop and farm café (120 m, approx. 3 min walk)....

Translated by Deepl


  • Fireplace
  • WC
  • Drinking water
  • Shelter
  • Dogs allowed
  • Electricity


  • Check in
    from 13:00
  • Check out
    until 13:00
  • Overnight stays
    Stay up to 365 Nights
  • Max. number of 4 people
  • P
    Parking directly at the camp
  • Camp for yourself


  • 1Fryberg Kärpf area
  • 2View of local mountain Tödi

Facilities & Activities

Good to know

1 Pers. | 1 Night
excl. service fee
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Marc L

Deutsch, English

My name is Marc. Together with the tenant of my parents' farm, I run our organic farm where we keep suckler cows and goats. We are...

Translated by Deepl


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