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Claudia & Thomas S

English, Deutsch

We run the Fernsicht farm in Meierskappel in the 4th generation with our children Lui, Luc & Lea. "Fernsicht" is not made up, it is our farm name, our address and also the wonderful view of Lake Zug and the Rigi. Come and visit us and see for yourself. Our 26 suckler cows with their calves and Basil (our bull) live in a spacious, open and bright playpen with plenty of space and fresh air. Our farm family also includes Jimmy (our young dog), Mia, Tigerli and Lisa (our three cats), our 30 chickens and 4 bee colonies. With Nomady, we would like to open our farm door to you and give you an insight into farm life and camping in the great outdoors. We look forward to great encounters and interesting conversations.

Translated by Deepl

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