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Camping for Fishermen

Combine your love for the outdoors with the thrill of fishing on your next camping trip. Perfect for relaxation and adventure by the water.

5 top camps for fishing around lake and river Sihl

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About Nomady

Nomady is for everyone who loves to be out and about in nature. Whether with a campervan or a tent, with a fishing rod, hiking boots or a bike. The overnight options are varied: a simple meadow, a pitch next to a creek, a large garden, a rustic hut or a secluded spot in the forest. Particularly adventurous travelers can also book a night in a hayloft, a construction trailer or a barn. One thing is guaranteed: These will be memories to last a lifetime.

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Preparing for a camping vacation with a fishing rod

Before you embark on your fishing camping vacation, thorough preparation is essential to get the most out of your adventure. Choosing the right fishing location, having the right equipment and knowing the local waters and fish species are crucial to a successful fishing adventure.

In this section, we will look at how to prepare for your fishing camping vacation and answer important questions that will help you to be optimally prepared.

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Waters and fish species at your vacation destination

Before you cast your fishing rod, it's important to find out about the waters and fish species in the area around your campsite.

Which waters are nearby and what species of fish can be found there? Are there any particular hotspots or popular fishing spots that you should definitely visit? These questions will help you plan your fishing strategy and give you the best chance of a successful catch.

The tips below will also tell you which fish can be found in the waters and which types of fishing are permitted.


Visit platforms like

to buy fishing licenses (permits) online and gain access to different waters.

Check the websites of fishing stores

in your area. They often list the waters for which you can buy a permit in the fishing store.

Search Google Maps for waters

in the area and look online for fishing licenses or permits for these waters. The waters are often leased by local fishing clubs from which you can purchase a permit.

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The right equipment is crucial for a successful fishing experience. Here you can find out what equipment you need for your camping adventure with fishing and how you can optimize it for your limited storage space.

Basic equipment

Basic fishing equipment is essential for every angler. This includes a landing net, a dead stick, a knife, a hook remover and a measuring tape. These tools will help you to land your catch safely and handle it properly afterwards.

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Special equipment for the local waters

Depending on the conditions of the waters in your area, you may need special equipment. Find out which fishing rods, reels, lines and lures are best suited to the fish species in the region. Make sure that your equipment is light and compact so that you can easily transport it when camping.

Fishing techniques and bait

It can be helpful to find out about the preferred fishing techniques and bait for the fish species in the area. Which methods are particularly successful and which lures have proved successful? This information can help you to optimize your equipment and increase your chances of a successful catch.

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Tip: Remember that less is sometimes more. Try to reduce your equipment to the essentials to save space and minimize weight.

If you are looking for practical solutions, Fishing-King, for example, offers fishing sets that are tailored to target fish and fishing techniques. These sets each include a 4-piece travel rod, ideal for camping trips.

Fishing styles

Active fishing

With active fishing, you actively move along the water, cast your line and, if necessary, change location to find fish. This method is often effective if you understand the movement patterns of the fish and can react quickly to changes.

Bank fishing

In contrast, bank fishing requires patience and perseverance. You remain seated at a selected location and wait patiently for the fish to come to you. This method is particularly suitable for calmer waters or for fish species that prefer to stay in certain areas.

It's up to your preferences

Which method you choose depends on various factors, such as the local conditions, the species of fish you want to catch and your personal preferences. By weighing up the pros and cons of each method, you can choose the best strategy for your fishing adventure and maximize your chances of a successful catch.

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Permits and fishing license

Before you cast your fishing rod, it is important to clarify the necessary permits and fishing licenses, both for Germany and Switzerland as well as for fishing abroad.

Special features in Germany:

In Germany, a fishing license is required in most cases in order to fish legally. This license may have different requirements and costs depending on the federal state and body of water. At Fishing-King you have the opportunity to obtain your fishing license online and receive all the necessary information.

However, it is also possible to fish without a fishing license.

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Fishing abroad: basic information

Different regulations often apply abroad. In many countries, however, a fishing license is not required, only a fishing license, which can vary depending on the country and body of water.

To find out about the specific laws and conditions in your destination country, it is advisable to search for “fishing [country]” on Google, e.g. “fishing italy” or “fishing sweden”. This will allow you to check the local regulations and prepare accordingly.

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The most beautiful destinations for fishing campers abroad

Some destinations are particularly suitable for an unforgettable fishing adventure abroad:

Sweden: Known for its stunning lakes and pike fishing, Sweden offers an idyllic setting for fishing campers. Norway: With its spectacular coastlines and ocean waters, Norway is a paradise for sea anglers in search of big catches. Netherlands: Here you will find a variety of waters that are ideal for predatory and peaceful fishing. The Netherlands offers a wide range of opportunities for a varied fishing adventure.

These destinations not only promise great fishing opportunities, but also unforgettable experiences in nature and on the water.

The top 5 tips for fishing campers

Space is limited

so the motto “less is more” applies. Limit your equipment to the bare essentials to save space and remain flexible.

Find the right balance

when choosing your fishing equipment so that you can react flexibly to the conditions on site. Adapt your line and rod to the surroundings to be optimally prepared and have the best chance of a successful catch.

Keep things tidy

especially at the fishing spot, to avoid chaos in the camper or tent and create a pleasant environment.

Use YouTube

to search for fishing tips in the local language, especially when traveling abroad. YouTube's translation function allows you to tap into local expertise and benefit from valuable information.

On-site inspection

Explore the waters and ask locals or fishing stores about current spots and methods. Local knowledge can be crucial for a successful fishing experience.

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Combining camping and fishing offers an ideal escape into nature's tranquility. With proper preparation and the right gear, your fishing adventure can be immensely rewarding. Whether by a serene lake or a vibrant river, these moments enrich any camping trip and create lasting memories. Ready your fishing tackle and prepare for an unforgettable experience under the open sky, where every cast and sunrise brings new possibilities. Embrace the freedom and inspiration only found in nature.

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