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Microadventure ideas: Rediscover home in a new way

See your home from a new perspective. Short and simple adventures, called microadventures, are ideal for this. Our handpicked microadventure ideas help you to escape from everyday life, explore new places and experience unforgettable moments.

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What is a microadventure?

In 2014, the British adventurer Alastair Humphrey published a book titled "Microadventure" and called on the population to embark on more small adventures right outside their front door. Over the years, the term became better known.

But what is meant by a microadventure? Alastair uses it to refer to outdoor adventures, in context with the words "short, simple, local, yet exciting, fun, challenging and refreshing". What this means and how one wants to implement it is up to each person. But in general, it's about leaving your usual surroundings and getting away from it all with simple excursions in the local area. We would like to offer you some inspiration to experience your own microadventure.

Find a camp for your adventure

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Are there rules?

Everyone can define the framework of their microadventures themselves. As a guide for your next microadventure, we have set the following three rules:

Leave no trace

Leave everything as you found it. Especially when cooking and eating outside, it is important that nothing is left behind.

Include an overnight stay

A microadventure including an overnight stay leads directly to an experience for all senses. Take only what you need so that you are comfortable and the feeling of adventure is still present.

12 to 48 hours

Don't be out for too short or too long. This keeps the microadventure predictable and exciting.

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Additional rules, such as not using a private motorised vehicle, a tent or mobile phone internet, can make your time outdoors even more intense. Think carefully about what is important to you personally and then stick to it both in the planning and the implementation.

More suitable Nomady camps

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To help you embark on your first microadventure and to ensure that you really get to spend the night at this location, it is advisable to book an official sleeping place. Most Nomady Camps are located in wild and secluded places in nature and offer the perfect environment for your adventurous microadventure.

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Ideas for your next microadventure

Some Nomady team members have been out and about themselves and share their experiences, which can give you inspiration for your next microadventure.

Lisa and Karin’s time out

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A classic 5-9 microadventure was on our schedule, which means we left the office in Einsiedeln on Monday after work and returned to the office on Tuesday morning. But we spent the hours in between differently than usual. We did some research and found a barbecue site nearby that also had a toilet. After all, a little luxury is allowed. We took the bus in the right direction and then walked to "our" barbecue site. Apart from the beautiful location at the edge of the forest, our highlight was definitely the roofed platform as a place to sleep, because we deliberately did not pack a tent. We spent the evening around the fire, eating, drinking, gossiping and laughing. Satisfied, we got into our cosy sleeping bags after nightfall.

We woke up before 6 a.m. and headed for our summit destination, the Chline Aubrig. After almost 2 hours, we happily had bread and water for breakfast on the summit. A little pressed for time, we hiked back the same way, had just enough time to get a coffee to go at the bakery and caught the bus back to the office. Satisfied and with nice memories in the back of our minds, we started the working day.

Paolo’s bookworm discovery

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A free afternoon, a train adventure towards Walchwil and my long-awaited book in my luggage - the perfect mix to leave the daily grind behind me. But this literary date was supposed to be something special. I was looking for a retreat, a hidden gem in the middle of nature where I could read the book undisturbed. That's when my path led me to Hirschenhof, high above Lake Zug. A secret reading paradise awaited me there, enchanting all the senses. Not far from my cosy accommodation for the night, the charming caravan "Sternschnüppli", I found this idyllic pond. Gliding gently in a small rowing boat, the story transported me to distant worlds and gave me moments of complete relaxation.

Oliver's hike home

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To break out of the daily routine, I decided to combine physical exertion and fascinating nature and set off on a two-day hike. On Friday morning, I took the train from Einsiedeln to Braunwald in Canton Glarus, from where I walked back to Studen in Canton Schwyz. A total of 34 kilometres and 2000 metres of altitude, through the fascinating, huge karst area of the Silberen and over the Saas Pass. On the way I met three golden eagles, 2 chamois and many marmots. There was a short break at 1900 m.a.s.l. when a thunderstorm came through. Fortunately I found a shelter, but the first day was long and quite tough. I left the station at 10am and it wasn't until 7:30pm that I was able to set up camp on the land of an alpine farmer, with whom I had an interesting conversation beforehand. Consequently, after dinner I relaxed in the tent with reading about adventures in faraway Alaska.

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The next day, another tough climb awaited me, which I rewarded myself with a cool swim in the mountain lake before heading back down and arriving in Studen. In retrospect, I can say that undertaking such ventures alone leads to particularly intense experiences. In my case, I noticed this especially when the big thunderstorm passed by.

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